Anxiety MasterClass - Retrain Your Brain

Retrain Your Brain

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Who makes the courses?

My name is Elaine and I am a psychologist who also had anxiety and panic.

Find out more about me

If you scroll down the page you can see the course syllabus and preview a couple of lessons

Whether you have health anxiety, social anxiety, or any form of anxiety,

you need to look at your anxiety from different angles

as anxiety can originate from different pathways in your brain

What will I get from the course?

A complete self help course that covers the different pathways in your brain that can result in anxiety

Over 20 self paced lectures, covering anxiety from all possible angles (as we are not all the same!)

Dip in an out as you please, or jump straight to the content that will help you most.

Step by step approach showing you what you need to do

My own guided relaxation programs are included for you to download

How the courses work

All my courses are based on the work that I do in private practice and use scientific models of therapy that work well with online courses

Find out more

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unhappy with the course?
If you find that you are unhappy with your course, just cancel your subscription and you will not be charged again. If you have bought the course outright, for a one time payment, if you are unhappy, just contact us, within 30 days and we shall refund you in full. There are no refunds with the monthly membership, just cancel your subscription and you will not be charged again.

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