Panic Attacks: Step by step approach

also includes complete Anxiety MasterClass

  Enroll in Course

This is a complete online self help course for overcoming panic attacks, based on

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and

Dr Ryan

In order to make lasting changes you will be doing the following

  • change the way your mind and body habitually respond to stress
  • change the way you think about things
  • learn to induce a relaxation response

as there will be things that you do, habitual ways of responding and thinking, that you may not know yet, that are keeping you anxious.

You can unlearn this and Retrain Your Brain

The program will help you by

Identifying the problem

Helping you understand the problem – your brain

Helping you to fix the problem – Retrain Your Brain

View inside the course

Identify the problem

Many people with panic attacks feel like they come out of the blue. Like them, you might feel like there is nothing in your life that should be making you anxious.

I will help you to identify the source of your panic attacks. Together, we shall look at the things that you do (and do not do) that result in anxiety.

You shall be looking at how you think, as you might not be aware, your patterns of thoughts may be behind some of the panic you experience.

Science and your Brain: Understanding the problem

Understanding your brain is the key to calming down anxiety.

Many of the “hidden” triggers behind anxiety are to do with how your brain works for you.

You will learn what happens in your brain, that result in anxiety. Building on previous parts of the course, you will learn about the connection between your thoughts and what happens in your brain, that sends the alarms bells of anxiety ringing.

Retrain Your Brain

You will learn new habits and new ways of thinking, that will teach your mind to be calm

Help with symptoms

Whether you have a rapid heartbeat, chest pain or a racing mind, right through to having a panic attack, these are due to how your brain perceives danger and your nervous system.

You will learn how to calm your nervous system, and learn how to stop your brain over reacting to day to day events.

Help with thoughts

If you are feeling calm, your mind is calm. If you are feeling anxious, your thoughts race.
The Program will help you to calm down your thought process and reduce negative ones.


The main program is divided into 7 online lessons, taking you through each stage, in the same way you would, if you saw me in person.

You also get access to a complete Anxiety MasterClass

Part 1: Introduction And Lifestyle Changes

To identify foods and lifestyle factors that may cause anxiety.
To identify sleep problems

Video Learning
PDF summary

Sleep assistance mp3

Part 2: Understanding Anxiety

Aims: To show you how “your brain does stress” and the effect this has on your body, resulting in symptoms in both your body and your thought processes

Materials: Video Learning
PDF Summary

Assessment: Early warning signs of anxiety

Part 3: CBT

Aims: To show you how the thoughts you have, impact not only what you feel in your body, but also what you do, and do not do.

Materials: Video Learning
PDF Summary

Assessment: What you avoid

Homeworks: Identifying and changing your problematic thought patterns

Part 4: Mindfulness – bringing the enemy home

Aims: To show you how you feel, depends on where your attention is in your brain. To start your own meditation practice.

Materials: Video Learning
PDF Summary
Worksheet: What to do if you worry

Mp3’s: Body Scan, short meditation and progressive muscle relaxation

Part 5: CBT: Core beliefs

Aims: To help you identify and change the harmful limiting beliefs you hold about yourself

Materials: Video Learning
PDF summary sheet

Finding and change your own core belief assessments

Part 6: Exposure

Aims: To identify what you avoid. This could be presentations, talking about yourself, thinking about certain things, or place you think you will panic

Materials: Video Learning
PDF Summary sheet

Avoidance assessment and reintroducing these areas back into your life

Part 7: Maintaining Progress

Aims: To help you to maintain the progress you have made to dateMaterials: Video Learning
PDF Summary sheet

Login anytime and anywhere that works for you

No-one needs to know you are getting help
as the Program can be done in the privacy of your own home

Login from anywhere,

on whatever device you choose,


All aspects of the course are made for your convenience

If you need help with sleep,

there is a sleep assistance audio for you download and use as you choose, wherever you choose.

Mp3’s are only one part of the program and they include

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
and if you have panic attacks,
we have included downloadable material for that too!

Retrain Your Brain allows you freedom to undertake the course at a time and location that is convenient it to you.

You have the expertise of a psychologist, without being restricted to an hour per week meeting.

My course for panic attacks uses the same information and materials that I use in my private practice

Question about this course?

If you are thinking about enrolling in this course and would like to ask a question first, you can do that

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Who makes the courses?

My name is Elaine and I am a psychologist who also had anxiety and panic.

Find out more about me

How the courses work

All my courses are based on the work that I do in private practice and use scientific models of therapy that work well with online courses

Find out more

Start for free

Course Curriculum

  Panic Attacks Course: Section 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Panic Attacks Course: Section 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Panic Attacks Course: Section 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Panic Attacks Course: Section 7
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Calming Your Brain
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Your brain on anxiety
Available in days
days after you enroll
  When you feel fear
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am unhappy with the course?
If you have purchased the course outright for lifetime access or 6 months access and are not happy with your course, please contact me within 30 days and I shall give you a full refund. Dr Elaine Ryan There are no refunds on monthly subscription as once you cancel you still have access until the end of your payment term. When you no longer need your course, just cancel your subscription.